Everyone assumed that the size of his ears made him a great listener. They were in fact gigantic, as if robbed from a sleeping elephant and attached to the head of a sleeping person, with great care taken to hide the delicate, requisite stitching to join different species' body parts.
They assumed but never asked. People were drawn to him, to tell their stories of misfortune. They stood in long lines and waited patiently for the person in front of them to finish confiding in him their life's woes.
He'd try to tell them, when they were finished that he had no idea what they were going on about but by a strange calamity of the cosmos, when he opened his mouth to speak, the inrush of air created just the right amount of downdraft to pull the monstrous ears completely over his head, holding fast until he exhaled and released them with a gale force.
"What does that mean?" Someone waiting in line asked the person in front of them.
"He's blessing them." The other said. Other listeners nodded sagely, confirming what they all thought to be true.
A Saxaphone Somewhere Far Off Played
1 week ago
lol. Nice short story..
First time in your blog and I like reading it :-)
Glad you like it. Thanks for the comment.
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