I must tell is about love. Love in all things makes the world turn. Love of self, love of another, love of material goods, love of altruism: love is the eternal question for which there is no answer.
How do you define love when people are so different that two of them could argue over a color or a taste? Is it blue or azure? Is love even tangible? Can it be all things to all people? Is love really just a catch-all for something greater than the human experience? No person experiences it the same way as another or do they? How could you tell without being someone else?
All forms of love are not equal. Even in the most committed relationship, there is certainly an imbalance when it comes to what one will or not do for love. I would do anything for love, however...
People love one another, people fall in love with each other, people love themselves and this self love is what keeps a person going from day to day. Is love really just a biological response in order to perpetuate our species?
Why do we love? Do we actually decide to love? Does a person sit down, weigh the alternatives and make a conscience decision to begin loving another? Is it just as easy to stop loving? When we love what do we get out of knowing that we love someone? What do they get? Security? Can we choose who we love? How we love?
Can someone really die from a broken heart?
Why do we try to change the ones that we love? Shouldn't love be unconditional? How does someone know what's better for someone else? Is that love or selfishness? Is it inherently selfish to love someone? Is love really just an attempt to possess another?
These are the themes I want to explore. Even a human incapable of loving another still must love their self if they are to continue to exist. Love is something we are all familiar with whether we understand it or not.
Love is universal, intangible, and unquantifiable yet it exists as surely as the sun rises in the east.
It's all about love and that is the story that I desire to tell.
A Saxaphone Somewhere Far Off Played
1 week ago
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