Part I
1. Wake up! Tell myself that this the day! I will write it out! I promise!
2. Shower/Shave etc, listen to NPR. Think about how my story is a lost cause.
3. Fire up computer.
4. Make breakfast/coffee, listen to KOMO.
5. Pat myself on the back cause at least I'm not That Guy from the stupid KOMO news bit
6. Eat, check Myspace, Facebook, the blogs I read, forums, 16 different media outlets, etc.
7. Get distracted by media, forum or other interweb shininess.
8. Read whatever book I'm working on for 4 minutes.
9. Switch back to NPR and get ready to leave.
10. Make a coffee for the road, and GTFO.
Part II
1. Come home from work with every intent of writing it out! This is the day! NO excuses!!!
2. Fire up computer. Annoy the cats until we're bored with each other.
3. Do dishes while listening to NPR.
4. Make a cup of black tea, because all writing begins with good tea.
5. Wait for tea to steep, check Myspace, Facebook, the blogs I read, forums, 16 different media outlets.
6. Look up that thing they were talking about on NPR earlier. Get sucked into a wiki-click through.
7. Add sugar to tea, listen to compelling story on NPR while reading articles about improving writing skills.
8. Greet wife when she comes home. Answer "No" when she asks if I wrote today. Make more tea.
9. Annoy wife until we're bored with each other.
10. Eat dinner, check Myspace, Facebook, the blogs I read, forums, 16 different media outlets. More tea. Realize it's bedtime.
A Saxaphone Somewhere Far Off Played
1 week ago
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